It all started with the jalapenos. A pint of them at the grocery store - easily 8 or 10 peppers - for just $1.99! I had no real use for 8 or 10 jalapenos, but nonetheless, I was instantly sold. I went home with my little peppers and started cooking up a plan. Jalapeno Popper Chicken - a favorite dish, reinvented. Perfect!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Jalapeno Popper Chicken
It all started with the jalapenos. A pint of them at the grocery store - easily 8 or 10 peppers - for just $1.99! I had no real use for 8 or 10 jalapenos, but nonetheless, I was instantly sold. I went home with my little peppers and started cooking up a plan. Jalapeno Popper Chicken - a favorite dish, reinvented. Perfect!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Perfect Pomarita
There's less than a week to go until Cinco de Mayo....a great excuse to eat delicious food and enjoy a beverage or two! You'll fall in love with these Perfect Pomaritas, made with fresh lime juice and agave nectar....first round's on me!
Friday, April 26, 2013
1000 Words #5 {Cafe Press}
So when Cafe Press contacted me about reviewing and sharing their products with you, I was thrilled! I spent an entire naptime perusing the site (despite the hundreds of other things I should have been doing...) and wanted to share some of my favorite finds with you today! Better yet, in the near future you'll have the chance to win one of these great finds, courtesy of Cafe Press! Check out a few of their fun products:
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Hummingbird's View Giveaway!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Almond Joy Popcorn
All the flavors of an Almond popcorn form!
Before we get started, I have a quick little confession to make. I'm a little nervous to tell you this, because of the nature of this post.....but here goes. I don't even really like popcorn! Or Almond Joys, for that matter....! So how I decided to make this tasty little treat is beyond me. I think I can blame it on Trader Joe's. Ah, yes. Trader Joe's. I'm pretty sure it was the coconut oil.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Balsamic Strawberry-Mozzarella Bites
Fresh strawberries paired with fresh mozzarella and drizzled with sweetened balsamic was only a matter of time!
I want to let you in on a little secret about the way I do food. I am not a recipe person. Or a list person. I am not someone who plans out weekly meals, and when I go to the grocery store, I rarely have more than a vague idea of what I'm looking for. I don't have an orderly pantry (or refrigerator, for that matter.....) and even my ideas for the blog are written on little scraps of paper and strewn about the kitchen. In short, it's safe to say that, when it comes to food, organization is not my strong suit.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Spring Twig Tree {In Full}
Hi, Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was nice and relaxing - we spent some time with good friends and went to my sister's yesterday for a belated Easter celebration. The weather was finally nice enough for the kids to play outside, and I got a much needed glimpse of spring. This little tree project was originally posted over at Nap Time Is My Time, but I thought I would share it with you (in full) here today, as a little reminder of spring. I'm not sure what yours has been like so far, but around here, we need all the reminders we can get!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Cookie Butter Scotcheroos
Cookie Butter Scotcheroos - just like your favorite treat....only better!
When I first met my husband Jorden, we were at a cocktail party two days before our college graduation. I spotted him across the patio and couldn't help but feel that I HAD to meet him. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew that I wanted him in my life (you can read the whole story here.) And when we had our first date, and talked like we had known one another our entire lives, and ended up closing the restaurant because we couldn't get enough of one other, I couldn't help but wonder, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE??"
Friday, April 19, 2013
Quinoa Stuffed Peppers
Long red peppers stuffed with Greek-style quinoa - a fresh new answer to "What's for dinner?"
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Lemon-Raspberry Phyllo Tarts
These little tarts are the perfect spring dessert, combining
lemony-raspberry goodness with a touch of almond in one (very) delicious
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Mother's Day Vases {for little hands}
Mason jar vases painted with circle flowers are simple enough for little hands...and make the perfect Mother's Day gift!
Before I became a mom, I always dreamed of having little artists. I'm not really sure why... (artists can be temperamental! and messy!)... but I guess I just loved the idea of having a house filled with creativity and the work of little hands. So, from the time Ellia was little, we have been drawing, painting, cutting, pasting, embellishing, glitterizing, messing, CREATING....and I must say, I think my dream has come true!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Peanut Butter Banana Wontons
Peanut butter, bananas, and honey.....all rolled up in a wonton and
dipped in powdered sugar....your new favorite dessert! (Or, if you're
Monday, April 15, 2013
A {Very Cool} Giveaway!!
Hey Everyone!! I am so excited to be hosting my second {very cool} giveaway with a huge group of {very cool} bloggers!! One of the best gifts I have ever received is my DSLR camera....I use it daily and rarely go anywhere without it! It has helped me capture awesome shots of my kiddos, my backyard, and, of course, the yummy food I love to share with you here at Lemon Tree Dwelling. So when Lisa from Wine & Glue asked me if I'd like to be part of a Canon Rebel giveaway, I just couldn't pass up the chance to give one of my favorite things to one of you!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Happy Weekend & A Giveaway Preview!
A little painting....
Friday, April 12, 2013
Sweet 'n' Hot Creamy Grilled Cheese
Did you know that today is National Grilled Cheese Day? Funny.....I wonder who comes up with such a day!? I actually didn't know about it until yesterday afternoon, when I checked my email and saw that a local sandwich shop is offering free grilled cheese sandwiches today....! If it weren't for the long lines and ungodly wait time, I just might consider taking advantage of such a fun offer! But, instead, I think I'll make myself one of these.....
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Co-Hosting Tickled Pink #141 ~ 504 Main
Ok.......on to the party!
Lemon Meringue Martini
Limoncello and whipped cream-flavored vodka join forces in this delectable martini - like lemon meringue pie in a glass!
One of the first things we noticed when we moved into our Lemon Tree Dwelling was the fact that the sump pump never stopped running. All through the day and night we could hear it churning - loudly - until eventually we had heard it long enough that we stopped even noticing. What we didn't stop noticing, though, was the fact that, despite the sump pump running constantly, we still had water in our basement. Apparently running constantly is not the same as actually working!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
1000 Words {#4}
So, for now, I thought I'd share a few pictures from our weekend.....back when it was sunny (for a day)...and we all got to spend some time outside.
Everyone loved getting outside (well...everyone except me....still too cold for this gal!) but no one loved it as much as Nora.
Can you guess who got her dressed?
She liked being outside so much that the thought of going back inside started a tantrum that grew....
....and grew.....
Turns out we should have let her stay outside all day....because ever since then it's been raining. The good news is the rain boots are ready to go whenever we are....right where we left them :)
How is your spring so far....?
Thanks for taking a peek inside my Lemon Tree Dwelling!
I hope you feel right at home :)
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Glazed Strawberry-Peach Muffins
Strawberry-peach muffins can't help but make you think summer....and when you add a sweet peach drizzle, you can't help but think yummmmmm!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Olive Tapenade Meatball Subs
So have I told you that both of my sisters AND my sister-in-law are all pregnant right now? Two of them with their first and the other with her second? Yep....I'm actually the only one in my family who's NOT pregnant....nothing like family pressure to get you thinking about baby #4!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
May Day Wreath
Remember making May Day baskets in elementary school? For some reason, it's one of the things that always stands out to me when I think back. The idea was to give someone flowers as a celebration of spring, so we cut out paper flowers and put them in baskets... and our teacher instructed us to hang them on someone's front door as a little May Day surprise. I loved the idea of surprising someone with flowers - a sweet little way to brighten someone's day....and as May approaches, I find myself thinking May Day might be a fun holiday to bring back. Instead of "boo-ing" our neighbors, we can "flower" them!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Spaghetti Pizza Pie
Is it just me....or do leftovers in the fridge induce stress? Maybe it's because of the way I was raised (clean plate club, anyone?) or maybe it's because I know the time and money that went into making the meal....but when I see containers of food piling up on the shelves, I feel like I need to come up with a plan....quick!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Spring Twig Tree
....but to see the rest, come find me hanging out with Emily in her neck of the woods! Hope to see you there!
Thanks for taking a peek inside my Lemon Tree Dwelling!
I hope you feel right at home :)
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Salted Caramel Chocolate Sauce
I have a confession to make: this recipe was actually a HUGE fail! Okay....not in its finished form...but that's only because its finished form is not at all what I set out to make. SCORE!! I have always wanted to have a successful recipe fail - you know - one of those great recipes that is created by accident.....? I feel like it's one of the only types of failure that actually signifies success....(you must be somewhat successful if you can salvage the mess....ha!)
Monday, April 1, 2013
Turkey Cuban Sandwich
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