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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mother's Day Vases {for little hands}

Mason jar vases painted with circle flowers are simple enough for little hands...and make the perfect Mother's Day gift!

Before I became a mom, I always dreamed of having little artists. I'm not really sure why... (artists can be temperamental! and messy!)... but I guess I just loved the idea of having a house filled with creativity and the work of little hands. So, from the time Ellia was little, we have been drawing, painting, cutting, pasting, embellishing, glitterizing, messing, CREATING....and I must say, I think my dream has come true!

I know, for sure, that my girls have the temperamental part down....and the messy part too....(ha!) but what they are, more than anything, is creative! They turn to art when they are bored, or when no one can play, or pretty much anytime they are sitting at the kitchen counter....and they are always coming up with new ideas and testing out their latest techniques. Little artists, indeed!

I also know they are little artists because their work is SO good that I have saved nearly all of kidding....(and it has NOTHING to do with the fact that I'm their mom....) I know this because the other day, when we were at my mom's, we saw nearly everything the girls have ever made for her...the painted birdhouses and the painted paper mache flowers and the stepping stone and the watercolor doily heart and the do-a-dot Easter egg and the decorated frames......yep, their work is so good that even my mom saves it....and the same can be said for Jorden's mom, who has so many of their creations on display near her front door ....(and it has NOTHING to do with the fact that she's their grandma....)

....or maybe it does. But it really doesn't matter. Because, either way, the moms and the grandmas of the world appreciate the work of the little hands they love. They love to receive it, display it, enjoy it, and save it....and they love to use it as proof that their little ones are, indeed, the little artists they always dreamed they'd be.

That being said, my little artists are being a little "temperamental" right now.....and they have yet to paint their jars. So these masterpieces are mine. If/when they do paint their own (they will....) I'm planning to have them use their fingerprints as leaves. Nice and messy.

Here's what else you will need:
  • 1 mason jar
  • assorted acrylic paints
  • wine cork (for large flowers) 
  • pencil eraser (for small flowers)
  • small paintbrush, for stems
  • little fingers, for leaves

Thanks for taking a peek inside my Lemon Tree Dwelling...
I hope you feel right at home!


  1. Very cute!!!! I love your tutorials and they are things I can actually pull off (most of the time!)

  2. I'm sure their creations will be beautiful! True masterpieces. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I am their grandma. Can't wait until Mother's Day. ☺

  3. i am soooo loving these cathy :) might be april babysitting craft. so easy ..thanks so much for sharing

  4. This is such a wonderful idea and these are beautiful! What fun:)

  5. I was just about ready to say your children are wonders and then I read you were the artist of the vases! I am sure they are artists also!

    Thank you for linking up to the In and Out of the Kitchen Link party! I can't wait to see what you bring next week.

    Cynthia at

  6. These are pretty jars that any mother or grandmother would love to have. Thank you for sharing. Great idea.
    Consider yourself hugged,

  7. Cathy - This is an adorable project. I would love it you would take a look at a similar project I did; I think it would also be great for little hands because it involves making lots of little polka dots!

  8. So pretty! I want to do this project with my little girl too! Thanks for sharing at Much Ado About Monday.


  9. Fun Project for little hands and so cute too.

    Thank you for partying with the Wildly Original Crowd.
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  10. Such cute vases! i love the idea of the leaves being their fingerprints. I'm sure that the fact that it is your mom and your mother-in-law who save all their artwork has nothing to doing with their being your kids grandma's...I'm sure it is that your kids are awesome artist! ;-)
    Thanks so much for linking up at the Real Family Fun link party! Hope to see you next week.

  11. What a terrific idea. Please share it (and any others) on my family-focused Kid Corner @ You may just get highlighted next week :-) Jennifer

  12. So adorable! And I have no doubt where the girls get their creativity from!!

  13. Those are so cute!! What a great way to get the littles involved in a gift. Love it! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday's Temptation. Your link got the most views so I will be featuring it tonight on my blog!

  14. Featuring you today! Thanks for linking up at Family Fun Friday. Sincerely,

  15. You have been featured at Craftionary. :)

  16. I love this idea so much! Just pinned it to the board Fun Family Projects by Bloggers. ~Bethany from No Twiddle Twaddle

  17. These are adorable! I'm featuring you tomo- come grab a featured button! Thanks so much for coming to share at Super Saturday Show & Tell last week... I hope you'll come back to party with me again tomorrow! Have a great night! xoxo~ Ruthie

  18. Ooooh, you've be getting lots of attention on this one! Of course, I have to give you some more. These are adorable, Cathy! One of my two top picks to be featured at tomorrow's link party! Thanks for linking up. You're so creative. :)

    Mariel @ Or so she says...

  19. Did you seal the paint or anything to keep it from washing off? Thanks for the great project. I'm doing it with my first graders tomorrow. :)

    1. Good question. I didn't seal mine, but if you wanted to you could use Mod Podge Acrylic Sealer Spray or another acrylic paint sealer - I'm sure someone could lead you to another option at the store.)

      How fun that you are doing this with your first graders! I hope it goes well!!

  20. Such an adorable idea and perfect for the little ones! I can't wait to see what my boys come up with :) Pinned!

  21. Such a cute idea for little hands! We'll be featuring this over at Someday Crafts tomorrow, so come on over and take a look!

  22. I featured your vases on my Mother's Day Round-up today! Thanks so much for linking up!

  23. This is so bright and cherry! thanks for sharing


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