Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day weekend! Ours was jam-packed (what weekend isn't!?) but so much fun! We had a soccer party for Ellia Friday night, and Saturday we celebrated Father's Day with Jorden. We let him sleep until 10:00, then made him a big breakfast, planted a vegetable garden, played outside, and had dinner at his favorite Mexican restaurant. Sunday we had my family over to celebrate Father's Day with my dad (that's him with my three girls in the picture)...and since there are two new babies in the family, we got to spend the afternoon holding babies!
Does it get any better than that!??
(It really doesn't!!) I hope your weekend was full of good things, too!
Now that the weekend is over, it's time for me to take care of some business. First order of business? Bloglovin'. For those of you who have been following Lemon Tree Dwelling on Google
Friends Connect, as of July 1st, Google Friends Connect will no longer
exist. Which means that all my lovely followers will have no way to keep
in touch with me....unless they follow me on bloglovin'!
Whether you're a regular or a first-timer here at Lemon Tree Dwelling, I'd
LOVE to have you! And while you're at it, if you don't already follow me on
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Thanks for taking a peek inside my Lemon Tree Dwelling...
I hope you feel right at home!