You can learn a lot about a person by the way they watch a Packers game. When Jorden and I were dating, he used to gather all his Packers bobbleheads on the coffee table in front of the tv.

Sunday, December 30, 2012
Good Fortune Cookies
You can learn a lot about a person by the way they watch a Packers game. When Jorden and I were dating, he used to gather all his Packers bobbleheads on the coffee table in front of the tv.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Baked Blueberry Oatmeal
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Little Ornaments (That Almost Weren't)
Friday, December 21, 2012
Seasonal Scented Play-Doh
Today is the last day of school before Christmas break...and you know what that means...time to search the depths of our creative genius and find ways to occupy the kiddos during their week off!! I am usually one to let the kiddos figure things out for themselves, but yesterday's unexpected day off was a reminder to me of just how quickly kids become bored... and just how nice it can be to have some tricks up your sleeve!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Christmas Card Bouquet
Dear Christmas Cards,
I kind of despise you. Not so much receiving you, but sending you. Year after year, you threaten to put me over the edge on the Christmas stress-o-meter, and year after year, I curse you and vow to do something different in the future. Well, it's that time again, and guess who hasn't even started my cards? Yep, that's right! Apparently we were just not meant to be.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Friday's Find: Faith in the Midst of Tragedy
An elementary school - one place you know, for sure, you are safe.
A Kindergarten classroom - the most innocent of all the children there.
11 days before Christmas - I know there is never a "good" time, but this seems especially cruel.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
White Chocolate Raspberry Oreo Truffles
What is it about Christmas that turns us all into little kids again? Ooh-ing and aah-ing over twinkling lights, belting out Christmas tunes in the car, sipping hot cocoa by the fire, searching for the perfect branch to hang our favorite ornament, writing out wish lists and anxiously awaiting the presents under the tree, making (and eating) a ridiculous number of cookies & treats...
...and then decorating them like little miniature Santa hats...!?
1000 Words

...Like this one of Nora's little fingers messing with my photo shoot! When I looked back through my series of pictures, her fingers were in half of them, and always in the same spot. She was obsessed with a little nub of white chocolate and kept grabbing for it! Right after this photo was taken, I turned to find her with the entire truffle shoved in her mouth....where was my camera when I really needed it??
Monday, December 10, 2012
DIY Festive Holiday Plates
Okay...I have to admit...this was not my original intent for the doilies. No, my original intent was some type of framed wall decoration. But somehow, in the midst of cutting and placing and setting aside for later,
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Bare Branch Christmas Tree
When Ellia was in kindergarten she came home with an assignment: Guess how many trees are in your yard, then count them all to see how close you came. Simple enough, right? Well, the guessing part was okay. But then the counting started. And we very quickly realized that:
(a)we were living in a forest and
(b)our guess was WAY off!
The 'simple' assignment took us forever, and at some point (around 150) we decided to stop counting and go back to just guessing. There were just. too. many. trees.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Broken Twig Tree
This simple Broken Twig Tree comes together in just minutes and uses natural elements to create a beautifully striking DIY Christmas decoration!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Jingle Bell Napkin Rings
I'm cooking up a dinner party. Which makes me laugh, because we've hosted two family parties in the past three weeks, and I'm pretty sure the laaaast thing Jorden will agree to is another party. But who asked him, anyway? :)
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday's Find & A Wish Come True
So....not only is it Saturday instead of's also reeeallly late Saturday and I am just sitting down to write this post. That seems to be the way things are going around here lately - 'tis the season, I guess. The good news is that Cubby has returned for the season (yay!), promising good behavior from my kiddos (we'll see about that one...) and a rekindling of Ellia's faith in wish-making :)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Almost Advent Calendar
It's almost Advent! Time to start the countdown to Christmas! Which means, in addition to anxiously awaiting the return of Cubby the Elf, it's time for an Advent calendar!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Christmas JOY Mantel
I used to think that, as a society, we rushed into Christmas. That we allotted a disproportionate amount of time and energy for it. That Thanksgiving got cut short, every year, by our eagerness to move on to Christmas. It used to really bother me. So much so that I used to delay Christmas decorating as long as possible.
But this year? This year's different.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Chocolate-Orange Pretzels
The other day I had the unique experience of Ellia actually wanting to come grocery shopping with me. How nice, I thought. Some mommy/daughter bonding time! Until I realized the only reason she wanted to come with me was because she had seen our next door neighbors drive away a minute earlier and was somehow convinced we would run into them at the grocery store....
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Framed Keepsake Art
Love: It's a beautiful thing. It supports. It protects. It nourishes. It grows. It heals. It creates.
Somewhere in the midst of planning my parents' 40th anniversary celebration, we honed in this last one and, as has become customary in my family, we came up with a list: "40 Things Your Love Has Created."
Monday, November 19, 2012
Thankfulness Turkey Wreath
Gratitude, Presence & Letting Go
This past weekend my parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. 40 years!! That's a long time! My parents are, and always have been, a wonderful team. They love one another, encourage one another, help one another, take care of one another. After 40 years they still show great tenderness and affection toward one another. They make decisions only after consulting with one another. They play games and take trips and go for walks with one another. They truly enjoy one another's company. My parents are a great couple.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Easy Pumpkin Spice Waffles
I woke up this past Saturday and realized it had been a loooooooong time since I had made breakfast. It kind of goes in waves around here...sometimes the eatin' is good and other times we're just getting by. I guess the same could be said about most things around here - at times it feels like all we can do to keep from being overrun by sheer chaos (you know the feeling?)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thankfulness Mantel
I blame it on Nora:
Friday, November 9, 2012
Friday's Find: Lemon Tree Redux
It's Friday.....! Time to show off my best recent Goodwill find.
Guess what it is..... that's right.... a twin for my little lemon tree (fraternal, of course :) It's a tiny little orange tree!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thanksgiving Table Setting
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Thanksgiving Napkin Rings
One of our favorite dinner conversation topics is, "What was the best part of your day?" The answers we hear always provide great insights into what matters most - in terms of school, activities, friendships, work - to each member of our family.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Straw Painting
Every now and then (very rarely) we have a weekend with no plans. This weekend is one of them. YAY!! Time to clean the house, make yummy food, catch up on laundry, stay in pajamas, and sip tea all the live-long day. If only it weren't for those darn kids... :)
Friday's Find: Dinner Table Caddy
Is dinner time at your house anything like dinner time at my house? Where you finish making the meal and the entire family comes and sits down at the empty table, waiting to be served? And you have to get out the plates and the forks and the knives and the butter and the drinks and the condiments and the serving tray.... and then you finally sit down and start eating.... and someone asks for a napkin?
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sweater-Vest Necklace Tutorial
I'm a sucker for accessories. (What girl isn't, right?) But when I started getting my scarves out for the winter, I have to admit I was a little disappointed by the selection. The same scarves in the same colors year after year was getting a bit.......boring! So I decided to make one. Or so I tried...
Monday, October 29, 2012
Blessed to Be
Friday, October 26, 2012
Friday's Find: Serving Tray Wall Art
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Bored Out Of My Gourd
Today is the start of Ellia's Fall break.
I should be excited....... (Right?)No morning rush, no lunch to be packed, no homework to be signed, and most importantly, more
time to spend with my sweet 6 year old....... (Right?)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Mulled Cranberry-Orange Sangria
Have you ever noticed how drinking something warm makes you feel....well....just better? It's the reason I love my coffee in the morning, my green tea at night, warm cider on a crisp Fall day, hot chocolate after playing in the snow, and mulled sangria pretty much....anytime!?
Monday, October 22, 2012
Candy Corn Peanut Clusters
Some people say "Don't mess with perfection." That was my initial thought when I tasted the handful of candy corn and dry roasted peanuts from my sister Carrie. It was absolutely delicious - the way the sweet candy corn mixed with the dry, salty peanuts - clearly a match made in heaven.
But I couldn't leave it alone. I had to mess.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Leaf Rubbings Reimagined
Paper. Crayons. Leaves.
Sometimes the simplest things in life are the most beautiful.
Like Fall colors. Collecting leaves. Memories of childhood art projects.
The best part about this project wasn't the time spent collecting leaves with my kids. It wasn't the process of choosing the right colors of paper to match the colors of Fall. It wasn't the careful peeling of the paper off the white crayon.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Entryway Makeover Part 1
Monday, October 15, 2012
Hallowine Risotto
Risotto is one of those dishes that just screams comfort - it's warmth, its creaminess, the way the flavors meld together in the pot. It is one of my favorite meals to make, especially when the weather turns cool (although who wouldn't love a wine-infused dish anytime...??)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Friday's Find: Repurposed Drying Rack
It is a common occurence around here that when friends and family come to visit they take themselves on a "scavenger hunt" of sorts to find out what's new. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I can't remember the last time someone set out on one of these hunts and came back empty-handed. Turns out there is ALWAYS something new!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I am SO not in Control
Let me back up.
It all stated last Monday, when we had an electrician come to begin addressing the problem of darkness/cavishness that is rampant in our home.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Sweet Taste of Fall: Spiced Pumpkin Cookie Cups
Mmmmmmmmm...... what is it about Fall that is so delicious?? After a summer of corn on the cob and fresh fruit, grilled chicken and giant green salads, there is something wonderful about switching gears to foods that are warmer, heartier, and oh so much more satisfying.
There is a lot about Fall that is wonderful....
Friday, October 5, 2012
Words to Live By
This is Nora.
It is an exciting time in Nora's life because she is learning to talk! Actually, she has had some words for quite a while now - baby, ball, bye-bye - and has been slowly picking up new ones as they suit her needs - uh-oh, shoes, outside... Of course, they all sound adorable coming out of her little mouth, and because of her insistence on saying hi to everyone we pass in the grocery store,
we have been making a lot of new friends.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Houses Are A Lot Like Husbands
(The most recent picture I have of us, taken on Stallis Night in May. Don't judge.)
And when I say we celebrated, I mean Jorden went to the Brewers game while I stayed home and cleaned the kitchen. No kidding! I guess that's what 8 years will do to you... (Not to worry, we're going out tonight.)
In honor of our anniversary, as well as this being my inaugural blog post, I'd like to spend a moment explaining how, in my experience, husbands and houses really are one and the same.
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