It's almost Advent! Time to start the countdown to Christmas! Which means, in addition to anxiously awaiting the return of Cubby the Elf, it's time for an Advent calendar!
One of my favorite memories from the Advents of my childhood is waking up each morning and arguing about deciding which of us got to untie the bow. Our Advent calendar was simple: A long green velvet ribbon with buttons and bows made of yarn. It hung on the wall next to the refrigerator. Every day of Advent we untied a bow and counted down the days until Christmas.
When I saw this green belt in the girls' closet recently, it was like an instant flashback. I knew it would make the perfect (nostalgic) Advent Calendar. I asked my mom if she remembered anything about the one from my childhood.
Sure enough, not only did she remember it, she still had it! Which was great, because she was able to send me the words that went along with it:
December first 'till Christmas
Is the longest time of the year
Seems as though 'ole Santa
Never will appear.
How many days 'till Christmas
It's mighty hard to count
So this little button ribbon
Will tell the exact amount.
Untie a button every night
When the sandman casts his spell
And Christmas Eve will be here
By the time you reach the bell.
...I guess I need to add a bell!!

Other than that, we are all set for Advent!
Now, if only Cubby would come back... :)
*To make your own, find any belt with holes running the length of it. Tie coordinating ribbons in bows, hang, and wait for Christmas!
Thanks for taking a peek inside my Lemon Tree Dwelling!
I hope you feel right at home :)
Found you through the pity party link up! I love your sweet blog Cathy! This is a cute advent countdown idea and that little letter to Santa Claus is so funny! I love the way little kids think :). Nice to meet you!! - Megan